Selamat malam bu. Izin mengupload tugas JIM VA batch 7 an Rizka
Assalamualaikum Bu Mina dan Ibu Tutor VA. @indriyas Berikut ini saya lampirkan tugas JIM VA Batch 7
Membuat Cover Letter
Membuat Concept Plan
Ira Ariani
Jl. Pelangi No. 3
Jakarta 11101
[email protected]
January 28, 2025
Hiring Manager
Paragon Corp.
Mega Kuningan Kav. B8
Jakarta 56783
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant for Project Management and Event Planning position at Paragon Corp. With a background in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, coupled with my hands-on experience coordinating cross-functional teams and vendors, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.
In my current role, I manage multiple departments and external vendors to execute complex projects, most recently coordinating a customer gathering event across 15 cities in just three months. This project required meticulous attention to detail, strong communication skills, and the ability to think creatively to ensure that each event ran smoothly and met our integrated departments’ objectives. My proficiency in project management tools, such as Asana and, has enabled me to stay organized and deliver results on time, despite the challenges posed by large-scale coordination.
I am drawn to the opportunity at Paragon Corp. because of your commitment to innovation and your impressive track record in the beauty industry. I believe my skills in project coordination, problem-solving, and effective communication align with your needs for this role. Additionally, my background in operations management allows me to approach each project with a systems-thinking mindset, ensuring efficiency and the seamless integration of various moving parts.
I would love the opportunity to contribute to your continued success and support Paragon Corp. in achieving its goals. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can be a valuable asset to your team.
Halo Bu @indriyas, salam kenal saya dgn Windi Rahma
Izin share challenge JIM Virtual Assistant ya Bu
Cover Letter: Cover Letter JIM VA Windi Rahma.pdf - Google Drive
Concept Plan: Concept Plan JIM VA Windi Rahma.pdf - Google Drive
Halo, selamat malam Ibu @indriyas . Salam kenal, saya Clara salah satu peserta JIM Virtual Assistant Batch 7.
Mohon izin, berikut tugas roleplay JIM Virtual Assistant ya, Bu…
Cover Letter : Cover Letter - JIM VA - Clara Rizka Putri
Concept Plan : Concept Plan - JIM VA - Clara Rizka Putri
Terimakasih banyak
Izin mengumpulkan tugas event planning:
Selamat siang Bu @indriyas ,berikut saya lampirkan tugas Cover Letter dan Concept Plan dari kelas JIM VA #Batch 7, mohon masukannya. Maaf telat ya bu, semoga masih bisa diterima
Cover Letter
Concept Plan
Selamat pagi Bu Indri, terlampir tugas roleplay untuk kelas Jika Ibu Menjadi Virtual Assistant :
- Cover Letter :
Dear Recruitment Team,
With Regards,
Herewith I send an application letter and curriculum vitae in response to your advertisement as Virtual Assistant in, Saturday, 1 February 2025.
I had experience as Finance Staff and Marketing Administration Sales Support. Last position as a senior officer. Have detailed and accurate administrative skills. Familiar in using the MS Excell application especially in terms of the formula. Other supporting applications are also very familiar in my job needs. I am sure that I can adapt quickly and can help this institution become even better.
I realize that the resume or curriculum vitae that I submit this can not explain my qualification in depth. Therefore, I really hope there is a change interview. Thank you.
Nugraheni R.S.
- Concept Plan :
Yuuk moms mari ‘me time’ belajar berenang bersama Moms Swimming Squad, gratis, hanya infak sukarela untuk kegiatan sosial.
Hari : Selasa, 10 Febuari 2025
Waktu : 07.50-selesai
Lokasi : WOW Citra Raya.
Harga tiket masuk kolam renang : Rp. 35K
Relawan Pelatih : Hayati
Pendaftaran : 081219396647
Badan sehat, jiwapun riang, sampai bertemu ya moms
------Cover Letter------
Dear Recruitment Team at Ibu Punya Mimpi,
I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position at Ibu Punya Mimpi. With a strong background in document management and administrative tasks, I am confident in my ability to provide efficient and professional support to your team.
Although I have not worked as a Virtual Assistant before, I have extensive experience in handling various administrative responsibilities, including document filing, report preparation, scheduling coordination, and communication with multiple stakeholders. I am highly organized, detail-oriented, and proficient in using administrative tools such as Microsoft Office and Google Workspace.
I admire Ibu Punya Mimpi’s mission to empower women in achieving their dreams, and I would love the opportunity to contribute to this vision. With my skills and dedication, I believe I can help streamline operations and support the team in staying productive and well-organized.
I have attached my CV for your review and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your organization. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Ardiyanti Putri
------Concept Plan Event Offline IPM------
Latar Belakang
Seiring dengan berakhirnya pandemi, berbagai kegiatan tatap muka kembali diadakan, termasuk acara yang memberikan ruang bagi para ibu untuk mendapatkan waktu berkualitas bagi diri sendiri. “Ibu Punya Mimpi” ingin menghadirkan sebuah event yang tidak hanya memberikan “me-time” bagi para ibu, tetapi juga menginspirasi mereka dengan sesi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan nilai komunitas IPM.
Acara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan, penuh makna, serta membangun koneksi antar ibu yang memiliki mimpi dan semangat untuk berkembang. -
Tujuan Acara
Memberikan kesempatan bagi para ibu untuk menikmati “me-time” yang bermanfaat.
Menghadirkan sesi inspiratif yang membantu ibu mengembangkan diri.
Membangun komunitas ibu yang saling mendukung dalam perjalanan menuju impian mereka.
Memberikan pengalaman positif melalui berbagai aktivitas yang menyenangkan dan edukatif. -
Sasaran Peserta
Ibu rumah tangga yang ingin mengembangkan diri.
Ibu bekerja yang ingin mendapatkan inspirasi dan relaksasi.
Ibu yang aktif dalam komunitas “Ibu Punya Mimpi”.
Perempuan yang tertarik untuk bergabung dengan IPM dan mencari dukungan komunitas. -
Waktu dan Tempat
Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 25 Mei 2025
Waktu: 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Lokasi: Creative Space Surabaya -
Konsep Acara
Acara ini akan menggabungkan sesi relaksasi, edukasi, dan networking dalam suasana yang nyaman dan inspiratif. Berikut adalah susunan acara:
A. Opening & Ice Breaking
Sambutan dari Founder “Ibu Punya Mimpi”
Perkenalan singkat antar peserta dengan aktivitas interaktif
B. Sesi Inspirasi “Dari Mimpi ke Aksi”
Talkshow dengan ibu-ibu inspiratif yang telah mewujudkan mimpi mereka
Diskusi interaktif dan sesi tanya jawab
C. Workshop Kreatif & Mindfulness
Pilihan workshop: Journaling for Self-Growth, Clay Art Therapy, atau Mindful Parenting
Dipandu oleh fasilitator ahli
D. Me-Time & Networking Lunch
Kesempatan untuk mengenal lebih banyak peserta sambil menikmati hidangan sehat
E. Self-Care Session: Relaksasi & Wellness
Yoga dan meditasi ringan untuk mengembalikan energi
Sharing session tentang kesehatan mental bagi ibu
F. Sharing & Closing
Refleksi acara bersama
Doorprize dan foto bersama -
Estimasi Anggaran
No-Item-Perkiraan Biaya (IDR)
Total : xx.000.000 -
Sumber Pendanaan
Sponsor dari brand yang mendukung pemberdayaan ibu
Penjualan tiket event bagi peserta
Donasi dari komunitas dan mitra IPM -
Tim Panitia
Project Manager: …
Koordinator Acara: …
Koordinator Sponsorship: …
Koordinator Publikasi & Dokumentasi: …
Koordinator Logistik & Konsumsi: … -
Indikator Keberhasilan
Jumlah peserta mencapai target (>100 ibu hadir)
Feedback positif dari peserta mengenai manfaat acara
Terjalinnya networking dan kolaborasi baru dalam komunitas
Antusiasme peserta untuk mengikuti event serupa di masa depan